Here is the entrance of the Aquarium, which was impressive in itself. They were having a special limited time reptile exhibit, the great Komodo Dragon being the highlight. In order to celebrate this, they installed a huge blow-up komodo that not only lured people in, but provided shade for those in line.
It might be hard to see from this picure, but every nook and cranny of the entrance and foyer of the Aquarium is covered with sea-inspired sculpture. I saw copper (pictured), plaster, and paintings, all used to depict delicate sea stars, sea horses, shells, anenomes, and fish, to mention a few. It was truely awe-inspiring.
Out of all the aquariums I've visited, this is the first that has had so many of these "dual" exhibits. A large majoity of the terrariums had both terrestrial and aquatic elements, which made for a very pretty effect.
This is a picture I took for Dad. Dad- this is how the Chiclids hang in Chicago!
Oh! And I had to get a picture of this guy! This was one of the largest crabs I have ever seen. His fighting claw was about eight inches long and about four inches wide. Cool...
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