Here is the terrifying Haunted Mansion, complete with a mural of the scariest creature of all: a BUXTOM BRUNETTE!!! AAHHHhhhhhh...
Here is the Chicken Charlie's Deep Fry stand, made famous by the Mark and Brian Radio show on KLOS. They gave a glowing review on the air, and as a result, every time we passed it, the line was five deep! They even had deep fried pickles.....ugh.....we weren't brave enough.
I had to take a picture of this because it's hilarious. Heehee...I love the B52s.
This was a show that stopped us in our tracks. Literally, this is what happened:
Brent: "So, what do you want to do now?"
Steve: "I dunno, why don't we go ....over to the..... wait....what are those people doing!?"
Me: "Oh my god, is she..?"
Brent: "She's balancing champagne glasses on her head."
Steve: "No, no she can't be."
Well, she was. And each time she stacked up another layer of glasses, Steve would say "ok, that was it, she can't do anymore.", then..she would. That happened about three times, then Steve stopped talking altogether when she stepped up on a chair that was balancing on one leg and didn't spill a drop. Sigh, this picture doesn't do her justice.
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