These few pictures represent the only livestock we found. Even after all the piglets I've seen, I still let a "Oh, how cute" slip out. I can feel all the sheep people cringe in disappointment, don't worry, I still like lambs best!
Now, I have seen this gentleman before. He travels more than the busiest VP, going all over the country showing off his impressive size. A quote from the accompanying flyer: "White Mountain, the Giant Steer. He is 10 years old and weighs 3,450 pounds. He is an Italian 6'6" Chianina giant that HAS NOT been given any growth hormones to alter his size!" I love this stuff and gladly paid the dollar to get in. Hmmm, I remember it only costing 50 cents at the Oregon State Fair...I think they're taking advantage of the poor Californians...
Oh, by the way, he winters in Bradenton, Florida (in case you were wondering) :-)
And so, as we took the people mover back to the car (I was terrified the whole time. Y'know, I never used to be, I think I'm getting old...), I looked over the horizon and realized that the OC Fair might not be quite what I am used to, but what in So. Cal. is? The thousands of lights on the carney stands, deep fry shacks, and whirling rides made for a very beautiful conclusion to a great day.
Brent has the "deer in the headlights look!" LOL
Hee hee, I know. Just wait until I post the Jungle Cruise picture.
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