This is a new little mini-series I've been working on. Our backyard is such a mess. Nothing is organized or in the right place and it's all overgrown; everytime I look out there I get a little frustrated. Probably because in spite of all the books I have, I'm still lacking the knowledge and skill (and money) to get it the way I want it. One afternoon, I was sitting on some stacked stepping stones, looking at all the weeds, when my eyes finally adjusted to the reality. There were beautiful living things all around me that I hadn't been seeing, blinded as I was with how I thought everything "should" be. Well, I let go of some of the judgement on the garden and started enjoying what was there. None of the creatures in these photos care what I think- it's their home, no matter how overgrown it is!
These are newly hatched grasshoppers, prefect miniature replicas of their parents, fully functional and SO CUTE!

Here are a couple of ladybirds....

The arch-nemisis of tomato growers everywhere! These caterpillars get huge and if you have the nerve to disturb them as they demolish your tomato's delicate new growth, they whip their heads around, click loudly, and extrude smelly green goo. Very intimidating, but pretty nonetheless...

Here is one of my favorite spiders of all time: the Green Lynx Spider. They love high, singular stalks to spin their egg cases onto and this purple salvia works great, as does the Spanish Lavender.
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