chicks!! Here we are getting the coop ready for new additions. Cleo, of course, supervised...
Unfortunately, we had a very sad loss at our house after the new year. Red became egg-bound and passed away before we could get her to the vet. It was very sad, since she had lots of personality and was one of my best layers. In order to ease the blow a bit, Matt and I went and got six new chicks to add to the flock. Three Barred Rocks and three Welsummers. Here they are one their first day home:
Here they are after a few weeks. I forgot how fast chicks grow! They get feathers and dinosaur feet before you can look twice.
And here they are in their new Condo. It's really a raised wooden planter, but works great as a tween half-way house for young birds. They're already outside in the coop with a couple of heat lamps. They are enjoying the extra room and growing like gangbusters!
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