Ha, I know that's not going to happen. Time and money (the usual suspects) are always a limitation, but progress has been moving forward over the last two weeks.
Here are the beginnings of some new garden supports! Matt and I made a trip to Wilco and got some wooden posts for clematis, veggie, and berry supports. I already had the chicken wire, so it was a relatively low-cost project.
Matt hammering the chicken wire with metal staples.
The finished product! Destined for cucumbers and snap peas, which are already getting started in the greenhouse...
Here's the finished clematis support. I'm sure this vine is happy to finally be in the ground after about seven months in a gallon pot!
Seed potatoes I got during our Wilco trip! I got Russets, Reds, and Yukon Golds. They are in trays, happily sprouting in the greenhouse. Then, I'll cut them up, wait a week for them to scab over, then plant the sections in my raised beds.
Here are the snap peas and bush beans in the greenhouse. Hopefully, the greenhouse will be equipped with new grow lights this week to aid germination.
My salad is coming up! I took this picture about a week ago and since then, this flat of greens has been going gangbusters! In fact, I'll probably have to thin them out!
I also made a hanging basket with all the primroses I got from Jan and Suellen.
Here's a red seedless grape vine that Matt picked out at Wilco. I still have to decide where I'll put it, since grapes can grow up to be humongous!
I potted up the columnar apples I got at Gardenpalooza. One red type apple and one green type apple. At maturity (even though they're dwarf apples), these trees can produce up to 50 apples each! I'm hoping the bee hive living in the abandoned house on the corner finds these irresistible!
I got the climbing hydrangea in the ground..
As well as the blueberries. These poor blueberry bushes have been through so much over the past two years. They've come a long way from my rental and survived some very cold nights in their pots before finally being interred here. No more moving for these plants- we're finally home!
1 comment:
First of all just wanted to say nice set up you have going. Second I was wondering what type of grow lights you are using in your green house.
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