THEM: "What a cute little bookcase, where did you get it??"
ME: "Oh, that? I was driving on the back highway from work to Jan and Neil's house, when I saw a sign on the side of the road for a barn sale. This lady just let me poke around in her barn for a half hour and sold this to me for $10."
THEM: "Only $10?!"
ME: "Yeah, then Dad and I put trim on it, sanded it, and painted it as a Father/ Daughter project."
THEM: "Wow, that is so fantastic. What a great idea.."
and so on, and so forth....
Yes, it was my fondest wish that I could use my ingenuity and resources to decorate my apartment to match the picture in my head. However, with the "Bay Valley Foods Upset", decorating kind of got pushed to the side. I'd had lots of requests for pictures of my apartment, but was still kinda embarrassed at the "college dorm/ futon/ milk crate thing" I still had going on. Luckily, I found another job and kept a steady paycheck coming in and, about three weeks ago, decided that it was time to start hunting. I made it into a game: Find the Best Pieces Possible for the Least Amount of Money. With lots of help from Craigslist, I did just that. So, here are some pictures of my newest acquisitions and a tally of how much it has cost me so far to decorate my whole front room.
A used loveseat I got on CL for $200. New slipcover for $50. I still have to sew covers for the back cushions (Mom already had the fabric). It beats the pants off of any futon I've sat on...
Also in this picture is the "new" coffee table I picked up in King City for $65.
Here is a photo of a dresser (picked up in Vancouver for $115) that I converted into a TV cabinet. Don was good enough to come over and drill a small whole in the back for all the cords. I love that all those ugly electronics can be hidden away...
I use the vintage trunk under the window ($75) for yarn singles, bags, and fiber which I think is a much better alternative to Rubbermaid containers everywhere...
The side table is additional storage (space is at a premium in a small pad) with a punched copper front. I wanted something to compliment the Hoosier, and this was perfect. Got it for $45.
So, combined with the bookcase I dug out of some lady's barn ($10) and some accessories I picked up at an estate sale (including a ceramic pickling crock) for $16, I've managed to re-do my front room for about $511. I think that's pretty good, and, it's been fun! I'm still on the hunt for one side chair and a new rug (preferably one that doesn't show the little wisps of yarn everywhere). So, wish me luck!
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