First project: Hanging a bathroom cabinet. This sat in the back of my truck for two months, in my living room for three weeks, and in my bedroom for five weeks. First snag: I found that the box did not include anything to hang it with. After reading the brief instructions, I discovered that it wasn't that they just forgot to include the fasteners, but that they never include them in any of their kits. Second snag: while in Pear Hardware, I realized that the kind of fasteners that I was looking at required a drill (you know, the ones with the plastic drywall anchors and screws) which, of course, is not included in the tool kit I have. I was just starting to sweat when a very nice man came over and after hearing my issues, steered me in the direction of some different anchors that only required a hammer (which I do have). Feeling relieved, I walked home determined to tackle the stupid cabinet one more time. Third snag: all my self confidence vanished when I realized I probably couldn't stand on the toilet, hold the cabinet, level it, mark it, and hammer the fasteners in all at the same time. ARGH! So, it sat for another week while I mulled over all my options. Finally this morning, I had had enough! I was not going to let an inanimate object best me! You know, sometimes you just have to tackle something. So, I grabbed the cabinet (not all that heavy, thank goodness), set the level and pencil on top of it, climbed on the toilet, angled the cabinet until it was level, then pressed the cabinet in place with my body so I could let go with one hand and mark the holes with the pencil. TA DA!!!! The hard part done, I pounded the fasteners in, turned the screws in, hung the cabinet, and put the shelves in. It took ten minutes. Isn't that just how life goes? That big dilemma hanging over my head for months, fixed in ten minutes when I finally had the courage to just do it. Anyway, here it is and it looks great!
Second project: Covering hideous cushions that came with the loveseat. Again, a similar issue as with the cabinet. I had the cushions (they don't fit under the slip cover), I had the fabric (which I found in Mom's house), I don't have a sewing machine. Not only that, but it had been quite a while since I had tried to sew anything and was having a major brain block on how to do it. Finally, I just threw all the stuff in the car and set up at Emma's Friday night. I probably did it all wrong but, hey, it worked. They look ok and I'm happy! Scratch another thing off the list....
Third project: Space saving pencil holders. I found these planters at an antique store in Silverton for three dollars each and figured I could hang them as storage to free up room on my teeny little desk. This was just a matter of finding the proper hooks, then getting off my rear to hang them. Yesterday, I went to Rejuvenation, found exactly what I was looking for (that place is awesome) and hung them this morning. Not bad, if I do say so myself....
1 comment:
well becky you should feel very proud of yourself and the results.
uncle j
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