Here is the Stegosaurus fending off an Allosaurus, flushing his rows of armored plates with blood as a warning!
As a result of the failed Stegosaurus hunt, the Allosaurus switched his attention to a baby Brachiosaurus that had been separated from the herd. Oh no, baby, run!!
Whew, Mom saves the day! Allosaurus is humbled beneath the towering full-grown hulk of a defensive female Brachiosaurus.
Fast forward many millions of years, and then we were soaring high in the sky with Orinthocheirus as he looked for a perch before a storm hit the coast.
Here is the pack of Utaraptors feeding voraciously upon a recent kill (they even had guts to fling around, it was awesome).
Fast forward again, and all of a sudden, something new and magical appears for the first time on earth. Flowers!
Two bulky male Torosauruses posturing over the same territory. Ole!
As the victor Torosaurus went off to feed on flowers, out lumbered a heavily armored Ankylosaurus.
And what do slow-moving herbavores attract? Carnivores! Well, a curious baby T-Rex is still technically a carnivore...
Ah oh, looks like curiosity killed the cat...enraged by the smell of a predator, both the Torosaurus and the Ankylosaurus turn on the baby and corner it! What will it do now???
Of course, as Jurassic Park 2 taught us, if you find a baby T-Rex, the Mom isn't too far behind and this was no exception! After hearing her baby belt out a panic call, she emerged enraged and made a beeline straight for the Ankylosaurus.
Ahh, Mom and baby reunited....
and off they went into the sunset, the finale for Walking with Dinosaurs!
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