For Christmas this year, I received a beautiful Phalaenopsis Orchid (Mom's the best). Unfortunately, for as much as I love them, I don't really know much about them. I had bought one before and kept it in the bathroom in California and it did really well. After that initial success, I thought maybe I could have one in my new bathroom without too much trouble. What I didn't think about it that the constant 70 degree nights, combined with the warm mistings of three different people's showers probably did more for the plant's success than my green thumb. So, unthinkingly, I stuck this new, unsuspecting orchid in my chilly Portland bathroom and all the blooms promptly fell off. I had obviously shocked the crap out of it, and I felt horribly guilty at distressing something so delicate. I'd been racked with guilt for about two weeks, but didn't know what to do about it. So, in an attempt to make myself feel better, I got six small pots and seeds for the easy stuff, stuff I know I can grow. You know, like Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Basil, Parsley, and Oregano. I knew I could get those to grow successfully, however, I didn't have a watering can. So. I decided to go on a splurge trip to Smith & Hawkins to get some watering equipment. Imagine my surprise when I walked in and saw that they were holding a free, hands-on seminar about orchid care this morning! They were having a huge sale on all different kinds of beautifully exotic orchids and they were all over the store. Here are some pictures I took in the shop.

This one reminded me of Mom because it was purple and kind of looks like the African Violets she loves.

Oh, heaven....

Here is the one I finally decided to get. Hey, we had a 20% off coupon for taking the class and I made the best of it! I also took copious notes on how to get my other poor orchid up on it's feet and re-flowering.

I got a tough, Oregonian Fern to go in the bathroom instead, it's better suited to resist cold tiles....

After my very educational orchid class, I met up with Emma for lunch at Ken's Bakery on 21st and Flanders. They're croissants are seriously addicting. I laughed at the fevered look on Emma's face while describing their chocolate and blackberry ones, but now that I've taken a few home and had one, I understand completely....
After lunch, we took a quick day trip to Merylehurst College to check out a gallery opening I'd heard about. It was modern art, cool, but not our personal style. Still, it was fun to do something unusual and we had a good time.
Yep, it was of those great Portland days....a little damp, but definitely diverting!
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