Okay, mini tantrum over. Now, on to the important stuff: Oregon Brewfest!
It's held at the Oregon Gardens and the Brewfest ticket includes admission to the gardens and your own tasting mug. Matt and I had a good time strolling in the on-again, off-again sunshine while tasting beer.
Here's Matt reading the Rediscovery Forest project sign. It's a section of the Oregon Gardens reserved for ecological and forestry training.
It was also the inspiration for Tanglewood Fiber Creations new colorway: Discovery Forest!
Matt pretending to be lost...not too much of a stretch there.
The rest of the weekend was devoted to garden work (of course). I got started on the strawberry pyramid project, which proved to be more difficult than it looks (again, of course!). Here is Alexandra's miter saw which is temporarily living at my house since she's on the road and I have this project to finish. Wish me luck...
Here's how far we got before calling it quits. The base and support pieces are in place, but the slats are still pending...
I finally got some seed potatoes in the raised beds. Since they need to be planted so far apart, I only had room for less than half of what I cut up. Anyone need seed potatoes??? I have Norland Reds, Yukon Golds, and Russet Burbanks sprouted and scabbed, ready to plant...
I moved some salad from the greenhouse into the raised beds about a week ago and it turns out I was a little over-confident in the weather. Last Sunday, we had hail the size of peas fall out of the sky, which took its toll on the delicate leaves. But, thankfully, salad greens are pretty resilient and there wasn't too much damage.
My onions and radishes are coming right along, growing bigger every day...
Onions, radishes, carrots (that have yet to show themselves), and salad mix- two beds full so far!
This weekend, since I had the help of Steven, we completed project Light Up Greenhouse!! Finally, after Dad wired all the electricity, I have light! The finished effect:
Light over the sunflower seeds I potted up a couple of weeks ago. They're finally poking up through the dirt!
My bush beans and snap peas reach for light!
Alexandra's seeds are also enjoying the extra light and her salad and beets are growing more everyday!
1 comment:
I have to confess that I covet your greenhouse...
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