It seemed like I was on the go the whole four days. And, looking back, I was. There was so much fun to be had!
First, Friday night dinner with Matt at my house. I got a killer deal on live Dungeoness crab since it's in season. So, I drove home with a wriggling paper bag full of dinner gleefully anticipating the carnage!
Here we are, just sitting down to eat. ALWAYS put plastic under the newspaper (just a little tip from me to you), as crab can make for a messy dinner...
Before Matt would let me tear into mine, he set them up for a little duel: Food Fight!!!
The next morning we got to take it easy and leisurely pack for our overnight stay at the Oregon Garden Resort. It was fantastic! It really did feel like we had gone away on vacation, but it was only two miles from my house. All the pleasure of vacation with the convenience of being in your hometown. We went out to dinner and Skyped family and just had a great time.
Christmas morning dawned early, as we had to be at Matt's mother's house by nine in Salem. We had a lovely time opening gifts and cooking breakfast (which included my first introduction to grits. I was pleasantly surprised). Here's Matt and Strauss (his little brother) putting together a train set after the present-opening frenzy:
Then, I was speeding off to Jan's house in Beavercreek as I said I'd be there by noon to help set up dinner. We talked and played with lambs and watched the ewes like hawks as they ponderously went about their business. I volunteered for the 3am lamb check Sunday morning so Jan could get a much-needed full nights rest. I found a set of twins only a half hour old when I went into the barn and got them settled in a pen, then fell back into bed about 3:30am. Here are some of the baby shots I took while I was there:
Jan's decided to name these triplets Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato...BLT for short (Matt's idea).
Later Sunday morning, I awoke and we were off again to look for a new washer and dryer for me. I just can't take the dryer squeals anymore! After two years of having a dryer that complains loudly every time it's turned on, I need some peace! Combined with the fact that my washer trips the safety on the electrical outlet when I turn it on, it was time for a new set. While I was at it, I decided that a new water heater would be a great idea too, as the one I have now is 15 years old and not installed up to code. So, after a trip to the Sears Outlet, behold:
My new Washer and Dryer Laundry Center!!!!! YAY!!!
More to follow soon, as I've already contacted a contractor and we've been scheming...
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