November 17, 1982
Dear Rebecca Rose,
Happy Birthday Darling. One year old today. One year since Grandad called the San Pedro Hospital and we learned we had a granddaughter. Grandad had said that we were going to have a girl baby and I dreamed about you long before you arrived.
How happy we were that day. I was so excited I could hardly get dressed. I worked at the Hospital so some of my friends had already seen you in the Nursery. I rushed up to the 5th floor and went straight to the Nursery window and there you were- a tiny little baby with a perfectly shaped head. I went to see your Mommy who was sitting up having breakfast and I took some gifts to her and your Rebecca doll for you. I had to leave to get back to work and there in the corridor was your Daddy with a big bunch of red roses and a big grin on his face. He knew you were going to be a little daughter, what he didn't know was how beautiful you were going to be.
What a lot of joy there was. Mommy and Daddy took you home. They were building extra rooms on the house so that you could have a room of your own when you got bigger. All your Grandmas and Great Grandma and Uncles and Aunts came to see you, they all brought gifts and were so happy that you were born.
During this year you have grown six teeth, you love the kittens Daddy brought home, they live outside and when you are in your play pen they join you there and you are very gentle with them. "Kitty" soon became your word and you would squeal with joy when a cat appeared.
You love rough games with Daddy and you and he play your own games when he takes care of you when Mommy goes to school.
You crawl very fast and when you are in your walker in the yard you go so fast Grandad calls it your "scurrier".
You like Amy and Anne Medina. They and their mom Anita have helped you grow, they play with you and cherish you.
Your favorite thing is a Snoopy dog that has a music box inside and he is your baby. He has grown very grubby this past year but he is your precious Baby and you won't go to sleep without him.
You are Grandad's and my favourite thing, so Happy Birthday again treasure.
Grandma and Grandad.
sobbing at safeway you Mom
What a Wonderful cherished memory!
Thanks for sharing it!
Much Love!
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