I saw that she was coming to Portland two months ago and started looking for tickets every day after that, searching through Ticketmaster and posting wanted ads on Craigslist. I told Adrienne to keep that night open "just in case I got tickets" and, on Nov. 19th, someone off of Craigslist finally e-mailed me with available two balcony seats. Yay!
Here is a picture I took of Adrienne before we went in...
The inside of the Arlene Schitzer is incredible with plaster reliefs all on the walls and ceiling.
Once the lecture was over, the whole auditorium flocked to the sale table where Annie had signed 500 copies of her newest book. I had wisely snuck out during the last Q&A and got there first....
Leave it to me and Adrienne to take this kind of picture after listening to one of the greatest photographers of our time.....
Here I am outside the Schnitzer, new book in hand. Adrienne and I hopped the streetcar towards 23rd and stopped at Le Happy for crepes. We had a great time and were very grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to listen to Annie speak!
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