Joel was busy cleaning, taping, and primering the front door while I roasted chiles, cooked pumpkin waffles, and fryed bacon for the masses. Mom chopped ingredients for taco meat (she is taking enchiladas to Cynthia's surprise birthday party today) and supervised Diane as she dyed in the studio. Yes, the time has finally come for TFC to consider full-time employees, especially those who can dye fiber while Mom is off galivanting around the country. There is a certain look of satisfaction that comes over Mom when the house is bustling with people doing constructive things. I know she loves it when work is going on in every room, especially when it's getting done by capable people that she doesn't have to worry about. It gives her the freedom to concentrate on what she's doing and soon the taco meat was bubbling away on the stove, chocolate chip cookies were baking and she was flitting from room to room, answering questions and offering advice. I can only sit back and watch her in her element and remember what made her such a good Mom....
Here is Diane slaving away in the dye studio, getting lots of new colors ready to go out to spinners!
Multnomah Falls drying on the rack Dad built...
Hannah sifting through home-grown lavender and filling sachet bags...
After we got home, Joel left for work and I got ready to meet friends for a hockey game! I learned to appreciate hockey, thanks to Dave Coles, when I still lived in Cali and was excited to learn Bill also enjoyed it. After an incredible dinner at Wildwood, we went to the game and watched the Winterhawks get their butts whipped. Ah, well, we still had a great time...
From left to right, Wendy, Chris, and Bill.
Sunday was just as fantastic, but in a different way. I met my new friend Andrew, met through Don and Emma, in downtown and we had lunch and went to Powell's, Cupcake Jones, In Good Taste, and Sur La Table, before heading off the The Armory for Guys and Dolls. I had never seen this play, or the movie, and enjoyed myself very much. All the actors were great and it was the perfect way to spend a slightly drizzly Sunday. After the play, Andrew biked his way back to the Winery and I drove off to Sellwood to meet Mom, Jan, Neil, and Jeri for dinner at Gino's (who has the best clams ever!). I crawled into bed last night, completely blissed out and fell asleep with a smile on my face...
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