Getting stood up/ ditched is never fun, especially the night before the concert you were both supposed to go to. The most demoralizing part, of course, is raiding your little black book, trying to find someone who will drop everything to go with you. I must admit, my little black book is more like a sheet of notebook paper with a couple of scribbled names on depressing....
Anyway, I called my trusty friend Adrienne for some advice. After a few minutes of flipping through her much more extensive mental Rolodex, she mentioned Bill. Our conversation went something like this:
ADRIENNE: "Call Bill, he'll go with you."
ME: "No way, he lives all the way in Philomath! I couldn't ask him to drive all the way up here cause I'm a loser and don't know anybody!"
ADRIENNE: "Becky, c'mon, don't be like that. Bill will totally go with you, that's just the kind of guy he is."
ME (miserable): "Oh god, you're probably right, but I feel like such an asshole for even asking him to come all this way..."
ADRIENNE: "Don't be a dork. Call him."
And so, of course, I called. And, of course, Bill was the hero he always is and totally had pity on me. He drove from Corvallis, to my apartment, picked me up, paid for dinner, then accompanied me to the concert. I won't say that he was a perfect gentleman, cause that's not how Bill rolls, but I will say he was the perfect companion for this little adventure; we had a great time. In fact, I think I had a better time with Bill than I would've had with the person I'd originally asked. So there you go....a big gold star will go next to Bill's name on the sheet of notebook paper. :-)
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