Here are some pictures of the very glamorous world of bacon production...
Here are two of the most secure men the world.....they love each other, really.
Here we are having dinner at Woodranch after a long day of trailriding. Clockwise, it was Camille, Joanne, yours truely, Brenters, Michelle, and Carlos. Many drinks were had, many stories were told, a good time was had by all. (PS- Brent looks HOT in cowboy boots)
Now, fastforward to my going away party at Shakey's Pizza. I tried to post the most flattering pictures I could find...heeheehee....
Look at all these handsome men! Gee, why did I leave again??? FJ has the best looking Retail Marketing Department I've ever seen.....
Ha! Sorry, Jeff, had to post this one. Very rarely does anyone catch Jeff in an awkward moment, but I think this picture does the job nicely...
Here is Carlos and his Drop-Dead Gorgeous girlfriend Michelle.
Brent, Casey, and Jake....
Everyone stuffing themselves with pizza and talking shop. I see Kevin, Vince, and a radiantly pregnant Erin (congrats to that branch of the Clougherty family, by the way!)
Judy Machingo, Niki Taguchi, and Jim Choe...
Here is Casey and I at the end of the night, packing up the tons of pizza that was left over (I think he ordered too much on purpose- he LOVES cold pizza for breakfast, ugh...)
Jake and I rounded out the night at the Ice House where we got to sit so close to the stage, we could see the comedian's flop sweat. Jake was nervous that he might inadvertently become part of the act....
I'm blushing.
I was hoping to turn your ears red, at least.....
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