Well, Mom and I are on the road again for the long awaited New York Trip. With the weather being so fine, flying from Portland to New York was quite a challenge. Both of our flights were delayed due to rain, snow, and wind, which did nothing for my frustration level. We finally got into our hotel at 2am New York time, then we had to get up at 8am in order to travel from New Jersey (we had flown into Newark) to New York. Being from Oregon, we had no idea how to get from where we were to where we had to be. There was a lot of standing around, trying to figure out how everything worked, then imposing on some poor public transportation employee for directions. Let me just say that New Jersey and New York public transportation people have little patience for stupid tourists laden down with four heavy suitcases.....But, we finally made it to String in Manhattan, strung out and dead tired. We were supposed to go on a culinary walking tour of Greenwich Village, but didn't anticipate it taking three hours to travel the thirty or so miles from Newark to Manhattan, so that money got flushed down the toilet. So far, this trip has been a logisical nightmare that shows no signs of getting any easier. Between getting on trains, subways, and in cabs between restaurants, hotels, and the knitting shops, I'll be glad to get home. Anyway, since we missed the tour, we decided to make the best of it and go to the Metropolatin Museum of Art instead. Turns out, this was the best thing we could have done after the harrowing morning we'd had. A quiet afternoon of walking throught the largest art museum in the world was just what the doctor ordered. We ended up having a really good time. Anyway, here are some photos I took!
Sheep, sheep, everywhere, but not a chop to eat!

Here are some pictures of the very extensive Egyptian exhibit. These first three photos are of a model abattoir that was buried with the mummy to ensure he would have a fresh supply of meat in the afterlife. See the meat hanging to dry? Personally, I love how the cow's tongue is hanging out, it's so accurate.....

This bust made out of marble cracked me up! Just think of all the artistry and hard work that went into it. The carving, the polishing....all to make a face like that. Heeheehee....."Huh!?!"......heeheehee....

This table was amazing. It had mother-of-pearl inlay of the contsellations on the top, with maps of the world and more stars on the sides. I believe it was made for the library of the Vanderbuilt Mansion....

I was floored by all the great original works that we had the privelage of viewing. Here is Andy Warhol's "Jackie Kennedy"...

Luis Comfort Tiffany (as in Tiffany & Co.)

Jackson Pollock....

Claude Monet....

Vincent Van Gogh...

Paul Cezan....

Mom enjoying another Monet...

Here's a shot of another floor full of modern art (there were several).

Finally, it was time to go demo at the yarn shop. Here is a photo of our yarn with String's owner, Linda, in the background.

The shopping frenzy...

And finally, finally, after what seemed like the longest, hardest day ever, we made it to Le Refuge restaurant (which was so appropriate it made us laugh). The lamb chops were really good and for that, I was grateful...
1 comment:
Great Blog!! Great Pictures..made me feel like I was there! I Love the Met!!! I always go there and soak in the respite in that big old noisy city.. I love Manhattan....And love coming Home again!
Quite an adventure..........thanks for taking me along!
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