Well, I've taken a break from Tanglewood Fiber Creations to house sit for the McMahons while they go on a wine tasting tour through Washington (I bet they'll come back with cases and cases!). Even with the two pages of instructional notes I took, mostly feeding instructions, I know I'm falling short of Sean's expectations. Sean is Jan and Neil's Border Collie and he is very particular about what time I should be up out of bed, when we have breakfast, in what order the animals need to be fed (apparently, Jan feeds the rams after the ewes becase as I left the main barn and started walking down to the ewe lamb pen, I saw that Sean had already started walking toward the ram pen. When he saw that I intended to break the routine, he literaly turned around, looked at me, then ROLLED HIS EYES! He reluctantly followed me, probably to make sure I didn't mess anything up...), and when it's bedtime. He was very disgruntled to discover that I wasn't going to sleep in Jan and Neil's bed either. He kept going into their bedroom and standing on the bed, waiting for me impatiently. Sigh...I'm a poor substitute, I know. Anyway, here are some pictures I took of Spinning Ewe Farms!
Believe it or not, this is the pooch kennel.

Here is Sean's favorite outside game: throw the frisbee.

One of the guys.....

....and some of the ladies.....

I remember fitting sheep after sheep under these trees. Some years, we'd be sweating through our shirts, other years, we had to move the fitting stand into the barn to avoid the torrential downpours. Good times....

Yesterday, while doing chores, I noticed all the different kinds of mushrooms growing and decided to take a few shots.

Awww....isn't his cool? A siamese twin, heart shaped duo. I hope it's a sign of love in my future (or something sappy like that...)

I love being here. It's quiet and familiar. The weather is crisp and the house smells like lanolin and orchard hay, my favorite.
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