Got my seeds from Territorial on Friday! I ordered leeks, several different kinds of onions, french radishes, cucumbers, pole beans, and broccoli. I'll be starting some of these in the greenhouse soon and some will be going directly into the raised beds. I also got some PVC clips that I'm hoping will work better than the Velcro for the raised bed grow houses. To complete the order, I bought a salad spinner (finally). I've been wanting one for a while, but was always surprised at how expensive they were. This one wasn't too bad and is collapsible- a bonus when you have a small house.
On Saturday, it was back to Cara's house for more soap making! It's been about six weeks since we did our first two batches and we wanted to try some other recipes. We made more lavender soap as well as oatmeal/ eucalyptus and rosemary/ honey castile soap. Here's Cara pouring the Lavender batch into the mold.
And here is the castile soap cooking away. Castile is olive-oil based and ends up a nice, organic brown color when cooled into bars.
Now that the bars we made six weeks ago are cured, I got some pretty hand-made paper from Cost Plus and wrapped them in neat little packages, ready to give away as gifts.
Sunday I made more butter and remembered to take some pictures of the process this time.
First, I start off with regular heavy whipping cream...
After about 10 minutes, the hard peaks start to break down and start to turn yellow in color.
It then starts to turn grainy...
...and finally separates in to butter and buttermilk.
You let the butter drain, then massage it together while squeezing out as much buttermilk as you can.
Then, add whatever seasonings you want. This time, I added dill and lemon zest for an extra kick.
Ta Da!