This first photo is the view from the rest stop. The whole drive out to George, Washington (isn't that name just ridiculous) was beautiful and the weather couldn't have been better. Anyone who has driven through the Gorge to Washington knows what I mean. You follow the river toward Eastern Oregon until cutting over to Washington, watching as it meanders from your right side to your left side then up, up into the hills to your final destination. There were many wind surfers and boaters out on the river, taking advantage of the perfect weather. Here are a few shots of the view from the speeding RV.
Our first road stop. Jan and Neil tasted wine while Erica and I got ice cream cones and poked around.
A view into the cockpit....There was much agreeing, then disagreeing with the GPS, turning around, then circling again in favor of the original direction once we got into town....
Erica and Ginger hanging out in the back, newly designated "kids area".
After no small amount of excitement in the camp ground (finding a suitable spot, setting up "camp", making dinner, and finding the bathrooms), we were relieved to find our seats and this spectacular view of the Gorge.
The stage with it's magnificent backdrop...
A view of the "non-assigned" seating area. It was like one of those ancient Greek theaters, with grass-covered benches carved into the hillside.
The Steve Miller Band...
We retired to the campground, pleasantly sated from rock and roll to a cool, inviting RV and very enthusiastic Austrialian Shepherd. I alone braved the portable showers that night and fell gratefully into bed afterward. The last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep was the sound of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band playing in the background, eminating from someone's car stereo.
The next morning dawned bright and cool and we had a leisurly breakfast of egg sandwiches and juice before breaking camp and heading home. We stopped at several fruit stands on the way home and bought peppers, tomatillos, corn, vanilla extract and candy from the various stands. It was fun; I got everything I needed to make taco meat and Jan bought corn for that night's dinner.
Here is Erica and me goofing around, yet again....
Food porn shot for Mom (she loves heirloom tomatoes)...
An industrious Jan shrewdly picking out only the best tomatillos....
After stand number three, the day began to really heat up and we decided to make for home, stopping only to make lunch in the RV, then hit the road again. We all had a great time and my only regret was that Mom couldn't go, as originally planned. She would've had a great time. On the other hand, I wonder how many TNNA interns got to see Joe Cocker and the Steve Miller Band during their summer work program. I'm betting, not many. :-)